Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Theme Based Project (Final Project)

Faizah Hassan
Theme : Hands

Find a subject matter that you're interested in and take 5 pictures as a series. Afterwards, print it out in  8x10 and 5x7 with white boarders. When its ready, submit it in an A4 clear book. 

My Subject Matter - Hands
  • There is this huge interest of mine to be able to capture hand movements. As the hand's bone structures is intricate enough to allow different kinds of gesture. And this series tries to capture the movement of hands. 

Main point of this exercise is to apply everything that we've learned so far into a picture. It took me quite some time to finish this series. Too much time perhaps. Nonetheless. This will be my Final Project. 


Studio Lighting

Exercise 9
Faizah Hassan

So for this post I'll be elaborating about lights that people normally use for a studio shoot.

Lets start with

  • Main Light - A primary light. Whenever you're shooting a still life or a person. Remember to put up this light first as it lightens most part of the image

  • Fill Light - Relieve the shadow area from the main light which will reduce the contrast. Can Produce details in shadow areas, and will also be a reflector bouncing of the main light

  • Rim Light - Produce silhouettes around the object which will reveal its shape. 

  • Hair Light - Its obviously for the hair. To lighten up and give texture to the hair.
So, we where told to choose 1 studio picture in between the 40s and 50s. We have to imitate everything, the lights, the pose, the clothes and even the make up. So, my task is to shoot a picture of my friend, using the lights that we've learned earlier. Check it out below.

 The person on top is my reference, and the person below ; my friend Danny is my model. Yea yea, i know the beard looks fake. Nonetheless. I had fun. Complicated, but fun. 

Screen Shot

Sunday, 10 November 2013


Faizah Hassan

It was a rainy day, so I decided to snap some shots of the rain. It was quite difficult from what I expected it to be. Nonetheless, I tried my best.

Maybe I'll try to take more pictures of the rain in the future. Hope it'll turn out like what I expected.

Screen Shot

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Trip to Pangkor Island !!!

Exercise 8 : Pangkor Island
20th October 2013
Faizah Hassan

We went to Pangkor on 17th of October (Thursday) which is a day before our Photography class. Mr, Vinod thought that maybe it would be a great idea to snap some pictures there for our exercise. So, we went to Pangkor.. Snapping LOTS and LOTS of pictures. At the end of the trip, I had up to 200 shots. To me, its quite a lot. Especially when we're told to only choose 5.

Take photos of the elements in Pangkor.


  • As a series, its difficult to pin point the connection between the pictures.
  • Composition is lacking a little exposure
  • Editing is slightly different in some shots.

I admit that this is not the best shot I've taken. But will try to improve. Having difficulties of taking good picture as my battery kept dying every 3 hours.

Screen Shot 

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Trip to Chow Kit Road!!

Exercise 7 : Chow Kit Road
11th October 2013
Faizah Hassan


Went to Chow Kit Road the other day. It was a really fun trip. Parked at KL Sentral and took the Monorail to Chow Kit. When we arrived there, saw Mr. Vinod (Lecturer) waiting at the station. Afterwards, he gave us a brief explanation of the place that we're about to go, and he also gave us some safety tips. Knowing that  we're about to go to a place which is famous with pickpockets, It's crucial for us to know how to not stand out and blend in with other people. Especially when we're holding valuable things ( camera ). Taking street pictures is really hard, cuz we need to pre determine what's gonna happen and we gotta do it fast. So, below is the instruction and i tried my best following it..


  • The instructions were to capture five images that maintain a level of consistency in topic area. Put to use what you have learnt in regards to exposing (zone system), composition and editing (photoshop). Post all results and update your eportfolio by Sunday.


  • While I was taking pictures. I find that street photography is really hard.
  • My weakness would be to determine my Zone System, which I really need to work on it more. 


  •  The shot between the car and the drain and the wall, the plant from the wall and the building works as a series
  •  Exposure or editing has, ade the whites in the picture look over exposed, you must be careful there. 
  • Overall there is improvement in shot selection.
Screen Shot

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Trip to Batu Caves !!!

Exercise 6 : Batu Caves
4th October 2013
Faizah Hassan

Here's the catch. On 4th of October, we had a class trip to Batu Caves. So, we decided to carpool since sponsor wasn't provided  :p . We all woke up early in the morning and arrived there at 8 a.m. Then, Mr. Vinod gave us a brief explanation on what this trip is all about. Basically, he wants us to show what we've learned so far in campus and try to apply all the methods here. After taking lots and lotsa photos, he told us to pick 5 of the best pictures that we had while sight-seeing around the temple. All our photos should be consistent. For example : If I were to have a picture of animals more, all my 5 pictures should be based on animals. In my case, i chose statues of the Hindu Gods.


Batu Caves is normally known for the 272 steps of stairs (which is very high up). I find difficulties while taking picture from up the temple due to acrophobia (fear of heights). Besides that, I tried taking pictures of animals, but it's really hard because they kept moving and its unpredictable. Nevertheless, I tried taking pictures of birds and this is the outcome.

Special Thanks to this kind man for feeding the birds right infront of me.. First experience being surrounded by pigeons. 



  • 2/5 shots are pretty good , but the others lacked interest and composition wasn't that interesting

Friday, 27 September 2013

She's taking selfie people!!

Exercise 5 : CAMWHORING!!
Faizah Hassan


So, we learned how to use the Photoshop last week. How to use the tools, how to control our brightness, contrast, saturation etc. In other words, it needs a lot of practice to familiarize yourself with the tools in Photoshop. Once you've mastered everything then, editing a picture wont be a problem for you.

There are many people who uses photoshop to edit pictures. Photographers use it differently, and so does other people. If you think that you need clarification on the things your about to use to edit, you can just simply google or youtube it. That's how i tend to understand the function of each tools.

For this exercise, Mr vinod told us to take a self portrait and edit it using Photoshop, doesn't matter CS5 or CS6. Just so that we can prove to him that we already grasp the concept of editing. We're suppose to post the ones before editing and the ones after. So, below is the result.

BEFORE EDITING                                                                               AFTER EDITING


  • Must be really careful when using gaussian blur, cuz if you didnt use the right amount of feather when sharpening an image, it'll make your picture look obviously edited. We dont want that now do we? 
  • Before I edited it, I purposely didn't put any make up on just to show that you can edit Monochrome picture and make it look realistic. Not quite sure whether i excelled or not, gotta wait for the feedbacks.